Special rejuvenating face massages mrt

Korean MRT (manual reface therapy) facial contour lifting massage

90 minutes / HUF 25,000

The process of facial massage:

After cleaning the skin, we carry out the special massage process with all active products, which penetrates to the SMAS layer. The contour of the face is immediately and spectacularly lifted, deep furrows are greatly refined, finer furrows disappear completely, and the skin regains its former radiance.


Oriental botox facial massage

90 minutes / HUF 20,000

Description of facial massage:

This intensive therapeutic face massage very effectively strengthens and increases the elasticity and quantity of collagen fibers, and by draining stagnant lymph fluid full of toxins, our face will look visibly younger.



tanaka arckezelés

Tanaka Japanese rejuvenating facial treatment

90 minutes / HUF 28,000

Tanaka facial massage is a massage technique of Japanese origin, which was developed to improve skin tightness and facial muscles. This technique was created by Yukuko Tanaka, a Japanese facial treatment expert. The essence of the method is to stimulate the muscles of the face and promote proper blood circulation in the skin for a younger and brighter appearance.

The Tanaka face massage also aims to help lymph circulation. The movements of the massage are usually directed upwards and outwards in the area of the face and neck, which can help the lymphatic system work more efficiently. Improving lymphatic circulation can help reduce facial puffiness and keep your face fresh and vibrant. The lifting and stretching techniques used during the Tanaka facial massage can provide additional support to the lymphatic circulation in the face and neck area, helping to remove toxins and excess fluids.


Asian silhouette lifting facial treatment

90 minutes / HUF 28,000

In addition to regenerating and firming active ingredients, the Asian silhouette lifting facial treatment also includes a special massage technique with which we can improve the shape and contour of the face. The purpose of this massage is to tighten and rejuvenate the face, highlight the facial lines and improve the overall facial contour.



Skin type test

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